Workers in the oil and gas industries face high risk of serious or fatal injuries due to the nature of the job duties on oil fields in Texas. According to Bloomberg, some have expressed concern that a rapidly expanding workforce could lead to negligence in providing the proper training, while downturns could lead to cutting corners in the same area. However, whether the market for oil production is up or down, safety should always be a top priority for companies.
To promote proper instruction and education on best practices for oil field employees, the Texas Department of Insurance provides a wide range of free safety training materials. Slip and falls, electrocution, vehicle accidents, confined space accidents and crush injuries are all common in the industry, but often, these are preventable. With the information available, employers have no reason to put their workers in danger through ignorance.
Many fact sheets, checklists and programs are developed for those who operate vehicles at work. These include defensive maneuvers and how weather conditions affect driver behaviors. Workers may also benefit from education about the dangers and warning signs of fatigue and distractions, and how to keep these from putting lives at risk.
Working on oil rigs, personal protective gear may prevent the loss of an eye, a limb or a life. Specific eye protection, footwear, gloves, helmets and respirators may be needed, as well as protective hearing devices. Employees should know the industry standards for maintenance and use of heavy machinery, power tools and other systems that their jobs require, as well.