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What are the most dangerous industries in Texas?

On Behalf of | Jan 24, 2025 | Workers' Compensation |

Texas has a reputation for offering many excellent blue-collar job opportunities. With a robust industrial sector and plenty of oil and gas production, Texas has many well-paid jobs to offer hard-working professionals.

Unfortunately, there are many risks involved in some of the best-paying professions. Workers in Texas who get hurt on the job may need to file workers’ compensation claims. The benefits available can help them pay for their medical treatment and replace their income if their health challenges leave them unable to work.

The state tracks injury reports to help assess risk levels in different sectors of the economy. The following types of jobs have the strongest association with increased injury risk.

Workers in many professions have elevated work risk

Contrary to what people might assume, the oil and gas industry actually does not top the list of the most dangerous professions in Texas. In fact, energy work isn’t even on the list at all. Transportation and warehousing was the most dangerous industry in 2022, according to data provided by the Texas Department of Insurance, Division of Workers’ Compensation. There were 3.7 injuries reported per 100 full-time workers in the transportation and warehouse industries.

The second most dangerous industry involves arts, entertainment and recreation, with a similar but slightly lower injury rate of 3.6 injuries per 100 full-time workers. The retail sector took third place on the list, with 3.3 injuries per 100 full-time workers.

Health care and social assistance workers saw 2.8 injuries per 100 full-time workers. Other high-risk industries in the top ten included agriculture/forestry, accommodations and food service, manufacturing, wholesale trade, real estate and construction.

Regardless of what type of job a worker performs, they can typically qualify for the same basic benefits as any other professional. Nurses and office workers qualify for the same workers’ compensation coverage as factory workers and construction professionals.

Avoiding high-risk jobs or known industry hazards can help people limit their risk. However, even the most diligent employee can end up hurt in an unpredictable incident. Filing a claim for workers’ compensation benefits can be a difficult process. Workers who secure support early in that process have the best chance of optimizing their benefits award.
