Traumatic brain injuries are a serious problem in Texas and across the United States. In fact, more than 2.8 million were sent to the emergency room, hospitalized or fatally injured due to brain injuries over the period of one year. While falls are the leading cause of TBI-related emergency room visits, car accidents are the second leading cause of traumatic brain injury hospitalizations. What are traumatic brain injuries and how can people recognize the signs and symptoms?
A brain injury can occur when the head is suddenly jolted, it hit by an object or smacks into another object. This impact causes the soft tissue of the brain to bounce around in the hard-bony skull, causing bruising, bleeding and swelling. People may not know they have a brain injury right away, as the signs and symptoms may take a few days to present themselves or are commonly thought to be caused by something else. Traumatic brain injuries can result in physical, behavioral, sensory and cognitive issues, including the following:
- Nausea and vomiting
- Consistent headaches
- Muscle tingling, seizures, convulsions
- Change in behavior or mood
- Trouble sleeping, concentrating or remembering details
- Problems communicating with others
Symptoms will vary depending on what part of the brain is injured and the severity of the damage. People can suffer long-lasting effects from a brain injury and may require speech therapy, occupational therapy, counseling and rehabilitation to get back on track. It is crucial that people seek medical attention as soon as possible after suffering a head injury to minimize the damage and increase the chances of recovery.